Sunday, 21 February 2016

Lent Projects

Every student in the class has now completed their lent projects!
The Students were sent this email from 'The Incredibles' which gave them a brief to complete...
Hello Superheroes in Senior Hub Learning 2!

We hear that Ash Wednesday and lent is an important part of St Joseph's and the catholic community.
The trouble is we 'the Incredibles' don't actually know what Ash Wednesday and lent is, as well as the importance it has.

Your mission is simple...
Come up with a way of presenting to us 'The Incredibles' and your class mates about what lent and Ash Wednesday is.
What is the importance of it?
How can this be accessible for children to understand? What do people ne ed to know?

What does lent mean to you?

-Present this however you choose...
Make it interesting and fun...

Do us proud...

Zap... Boom... Bang... Pow...
The Incredibles”

We had a range of high quality outcomes and the students enjoyed presenting their ideas to the rest of the class on Friday. More photos of our finished products coming soon...

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